Wednesday, April 10, 2013

UPDATE on Cambozola

Not sure if this expirement is on track or off the tracks!  The cheese did begin growing a rather furry white coat of Penicillum candidum, however, that covering has now died back, leaving a slippery slope.  The cheese rind seems intact, but there should be a healthy white layer of mold by now.  Wishing to give this one the benefit of the doubt, I went ahead with the puncturing step that is supposed to supply air into the 'paste' (as it is called) where the blue mold is waiting.
Trouble is: this cheese stinks! Stinks so much that I moved it out of the house and into a shed out back.  If things don't improve very soon the next entry may well be the obituary for this baby.
That's all for now.
Stay tuned curd-nerd.