Friday, February 8, 2013

Mid-winter sampling

In an effort to not let this Blog sit too long between entries, I will tell you of some sampling I have done and will do.

I stopped by the cheese department of my local supermarket named Wegman's and picked up a variety of imported cheese to sample. Also grabbed a 6-pack of Brooklyn Brown Ale and Ruthless Rye from Sierra Nevada for good measure.  Maybe a Rhine wine would be good for this project too. (more later about my own "Braggot" experiments).  I will try the Port Salut this weekend,......

but I did open a small 'puck' of Saint Vernier. Saint Vernier a soft washed-rind cheese that is made in the Haute Jura region of France. The rind is washed with a local wine 'Affine au vin de Savagnin (Jura)' that gives the cheese its stickiness and the rind also shows the red bacteria "b.linens" that makes a strong aroma that might scare you at first.  But, have faith and give this cheese a few minutes to air-out. The flavor of the cheese is extremely rich and soft; it has a delicate sherry-like flavor and when you cut the cheese it is so creamy and soft it runs for your crackers. Quite delicious!

More to follow, gotta go shovel snow from Winter Storm "Nemo" - great! now the Weather Channel can hype winter storms, too.


1 comment:

  1. where did you get the Hopson's Tavern glass? that's so cool!
